individual approach to every customer
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat.
Super powerful and responsive theme with many beautiful layouts
Fully responsive design makes your website look excellent on any mobile device
FIve header options. Choose one that suits the best for your website design
Powerful shortcodes. Accordions, tabs vertical, horizontal and more cool stuff.
Premium amazing Revolution slider (15$ value) included
fully responsive design
looks awesome on any deviceThalassa was built with mobile look and feel in mind to provide you best user experience. Simply try to resize your browser and you’ll know what we mean.
rocket solid code
clean and organized codeWe like to keep it clean and organized. Every HTML section is clearly commented, as well as CSS files, so it will be very easy to work with this theme.
over 800 icons
really wide choiceCheck amazing icons included. Thalassa comes with icons font that contains over 800 amazing icons. You can use them on almost every part of this template.
more great reasons why you should choose thalassa

responsive design
This is Thalassa, super powerful and responsive theme. Thalassa comes with uniquely designed five home page layouts, couple of header and footer design options and many, many more pages layouts. With it's clean and beautiful design it will suit every project, from business website to creative portfolio or agency. Thalassa is fully responsive, so your website will look excellent on any mobile device. It has 1170px wide layout which degrades beautifully on smaller screen sizes.

excellent 24/7 support
We provide 24/7 support for all our themes, except on
weekends. Our themes comes with very detailed
documentation to make your customization work
easiest possible. However, if you have any
questions, problems or maybe some feedback
and suggestion simply drop us an email and we'll
respond in shortest time possible.
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consectetur arcu condi acm ent um sit amet.
Donec eui smod, justo quis vulputate
varius, leo turpis pretium risus, et
molestie mauris juo sit amet.

unlimited color options
This is Thalassa, super powerful and responsive theme. Thalassa comes with uniquely designed five home page layouts, couple of header and footer design options and many, many more pages layouts. With it's clean and beautiful design it will suit every project, from business website to creative portfolio or agency. Thalassa is fully responsive, so your website will look excellent on any mobile device. It has 1170px wide layout which degrades beautifully on smaller screen sizes.